
The ophthalmoscope generally is considered to have been designed in 1851 by the German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz, however, it is now and again credited to English mathematician and innovator Charles Babbage, who in 1847 fostered an instrument remembered to look like the ophthalmoscope. This device consists of a strong light that can be directed into the eye by a small mirror. An ophthalmoscope is a portable device used to examine the interior of an eye including the retina. It is a very useful device to examine the structure of the retina. As you all know the retina is the light-sensitive area at the back of the eye usually responsible for processing images. There is a test named ophthalmoscopy also known as funduscopy allows the health professional to look into the fundus of the eye. It is usually done as a part of an eye examination. This test is done by medical professionals like optometrists and ophthalmologists. It is used to detect and evaluate the eye diseases such as glaucoma.


How do doctors conduct Ophthalmoscopy?

Before conducting Ophthalmoscopy the health professional or a doctor puts some eye drops into your eye which makes your vision blurry for a few hours. These eye drops may dilate your pupil. After some time your doctor will examine the back of your eye. Before the examination, you have to tell the doctor if you have any sort of allergy and also tell the doctor if you have any family history of glaucoma. To examine your eye different types of examination could be done which include direct examination, indirect examination, etc. After the completion of the test, you have to take one day’s rest and also inform the doctor if you have any sort of allergy. You should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the direct light


Direct Ophthalmoscope vs Indirect Ophthalmoscope


A direct Ophthalmoscope is a device that produces an upright image of around 15x magnification. This is a very critical tool and is used to inspect the back portion of an eyeball. For best results, the examination is conducted in a dark room. The direct ophthalmoscope is used to detect the alterations in the pigment or color of the fundus and also the changes in the shape of retinal blood vessels are noticed. There are also some abnormalities in the macula lutea. Macula lutea is a part of the retina that analyzes light from the center of the visual field. Opacities and macular degeneration of the lens can also be detected with the help of a direct retinoscope.


An indirect ophthalmoscope is defined as an ophthalmoscope that produces the reversed images with three or five times magnification. It is more useful in comparison to the direct ophthalmoscope as it delivers a strong source of light and also a greater opportunity for stereoscopic inspection of the eyeball interior. It is a very precious device as with the help of this we can detect or diagnose the detachments, holes, and retinal tears.


We at Skytech medical ensure great quality and durability. We deliver quality products all over India. Customer satisfaction is our top priority we deliver branded medical devices even at affordable prices.


Heine Mini 3000 LED Ophthalmoscope

Heine is a well-known German brand that is used worldwide. Heine is very much specialized in the production of quality opthalmological instruments. Even the product which they make provi9de the most accurate and precise results.


Here are some of the best features of this product:

  1. Maintenance-free and portable.
  2. Free shipping
  3. Up to 10 hours of battery life and shipping are free.
  4. The batteries need to be changed less often and the rechargeable batteries last longer.


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