Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy of

We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition.

Based on the nature of the products that we have, we have designed a multi tiered shipping policy that is designed exclusively in your best interests.

For Metros

We will usually ship your articles in 7 working days from the date of receiving your order. For products that are outside these cites orders and which will be dispatched through our delivery partners and should reach you in 7-10 working days from order confirmation, unless the product is out of production or has a specific lead time of delivery, which will be informed to you separately after receipt of order within 7 days from receipt of your order. This is specific to capital equipment.

For other products deliveries will be effected in 7 days from the date of receiving the order.

For Non Metros:

All products will be dispatched to you within a time span of 7 days.

Note: The above time lines do not apply for custom orders, special orders or pre-order bookings. The time line for each of these will be individually mentioned through an order booking form.

If you require any assistance in understanding our Shipping policy please do not hesitate to call our customer care number or write to us directly on [email protected].

Please note our shipping policy as follows:

  • We currently deliver across India.
  • Each order may be shipped only to a single destination address. If you would like to ship products to different addresses, you will need to place multiple orders.
  • We make our best efforts to ship each item in your order within 7 working days of the order. However in some cases, we may take longer to ship the order as we may have to procure it from some other stores or our suppliers. In the unlikely event that we are not able to ship your order completely within 7 days of the order, we shall cancel the remaining unshipped part of the order, and send you an email informing you about the same. In such cases, your payment against the unshipped part of the order shall be refunded, in the manner you have made the payment.
  • Certain ODA locations which are difficult to reach, the delivery time may be longer. Please contact our call center for details We ship on all working days (Monday to Saturday), excluding Sunday and public holidays.
  • To ensure that your order reaches you in the fastest time and in good condition, we only ship through reputed courier agencies, and at your end please ensure correct shipping details are filled correctly.
  • While we shall endeavor to ship all items in your order together, this may not always be possible due to product characteristics, or availability. If you believe that the product is not in good condition or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged, before accepting delivery of the goods, please refuse to take delivery of the package, and call us on [email protected] or call us at +91 11 43613139 (on working days between 11.30 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. I.S.T), mentioning your order reference number. We shall make our best efforts to ensure that a replacement delivery is made to you at the earliest.
  • You may track shipping status of your orders on our website by calling us on +91 11 43613139 (on working days between 11.30 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. I.S.T).
  • For our valuable customers in the list of states below you are required to submit a form which is mandatory according to the state government rules for any shipments coming in from other states. Our customer service personnel will get in touch with you regarding this.
Assam Form 61.
Gujarat Form 403
Madhya Pradesh Form 50
Sikkim VAT Form 25
Uttranchal Pradesh Form 16 (Upto Rs5000 purchase no form required)
West Bengal VAT Form 50A

Shipping Charges

Shipping or delivery charges may vary from product to product. For each product that you may select, a separate shipping/ delivery charge is duly mentioned before the order is closed. You may contact us to inquire shipping charges to your destination at [email protected]