Section I: Anatomy and Physiology of Eye includes two chapters one each on Anatomical and Physiological aspects of Eye and Ocular Adnexa.
• Section II: Optics and Refraction comprises two chapters one each on Elementary and Physiological Optics, and Errors of Refraction, Accommodation and Asthenopia.
• Section III: Diseases of Eye and Ocular Adnexa exhibits an exhaustive and thorough exposition of the text on disorders of eyeball, ocular adnexa and visual pathway in fourteen chapters.
• Section IV: Ocular Therapeutics includes a chapter on Ocular Pharmacology and another chapter on Lasers and Cryotherapy in Ophthalmology.
• Section V: Systemic and Community Ophthalmology covers updated text on these topics in two chapters.
Ophthalmology Textbook, in the 9th edition, has been perform as a separate complementary book with the Comprehensive Ophthalmology. It will serve as a handbook for use during clinical postings. As, it provides exact intuition and topic necessary for practical examinations, so, it will also be useful for quick comprehension during final practical examinations. This book has been updated with following incorporations:
• AETCOM (Attitude, Ethics and Communication skills), which is unique and essential concept under CBME curriculum, has been introduced in the very first chapter.
• Case studies have been incorporated liberally in this chapter, keeping in view the patient centric, Competency-based Medical Education (CBME) curriculum, 2018.
• DOAP (Demonstrate, Observe, Assess and Perform) concept has been incorporated appropriately with competency number mapped.
• Skill assessment, one of the suggested assessment method in new CBME curriculum has also been included.
• OSPE (Objectively Structured Practical Examination) and OSCE (Objectively Structured Clinical Examination) have also been incorporated.
Comprehensive Ophthalmology with Ophthalmology Logbook Plus Practical Ophthalmology by A.K. Khurana is a definitive resource for mastering the field of ophthalmology. This textbook offers a detailed exploration of ocular anatomy, diseases, and treatment options, supported by high-quality illustrations and case studies. With the inclusion of a practical logbook, it serves as an excellent tool for students to document clinical experience and enhance their practical skills.
The book also addresses the latest developments in ophthalmology, providing a thorough understanding of diagnostic techniques, surgical procedures, and patient management. Whether preparing for exams or seeking to improve clinical expertise, this comprehensive guide is a must-have for medical students, residents, and practicing ophthalmologists.
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